Fitur ini berfungsi sama seperti fungsi Change Case di Microsoft Word. Simple namun cukup bisa membantu jika Anda punya banyak data di mana Anda ingin merubah format penulisannya.
This feature works just like the Change Case function in Microsoft Word. Simple but helpful if you have a lot of data where you want to change the format of writing.
Sebelum Anda menekan tombol Run Macro, Anda cukup menyeleksi range yang Anda ingin ubah format penulisannya, kemudian pilih tombol radio:
Before you press the Run Macro button, you can simply select the range you want to change the format of writing, then select the radio button:
- UPPER CASE: format huruf besar
- lower case: format huruf kecil
- Sentence case: format huruf kalimat
- Title Case: format huruf judul
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